Developing Technology with

The Swan Logo - The Essence of Collaboration with Us

At, our logo, the swan, perfectly encapsulates our working ethos. To the observer, a swan glides effortlessly across the water, embodying grace, strength, and resilience. Beneath the surface, however, lies a flurry of activity - powerful and precise movements propel the swan forward. This duality mirrors our approach to technology development: delivering sleek, robust software solutions powered by the diligent and persistent efforts of our team.

We understand that at the heart of your needs lies the desire for technology that is not only efficient and effective but also durable. Our philosophy of 'software delivery as a service' means we go beyond mere code writing. Our diverse team encompasses not just developers and technical architects, but also specialists keenly focused on user needs, feature prioritization, and project management.

Aware of software's tendency to degrade without care, we embed rigorous testing, regular updates, and proactive maintenance into our development lifecycle. Moreover, we offer enduring support for our products, ensuring they continue to add value long-term. In partnering with us, you experience the seamless and robust delivery of technology solutions, akin to the swan's journey: a harmonious blend of visible elegance and unseen dedication.

Person looking at tablet

A Team Founded by Software Developers

Our co-founders, Damon and Dan, lead an experienced team to deliver your vision.

Damon Jackman

Damon Jackman

Damon has developed technology for customers around the world in the public and private sectors. He has delivered software that enabled great leaps forward, and learned how to drive development towards business value. Damon helps hone the product vision with our customers and works alongside Dan and our developers to bring it to life. He is based in the Washington, DC area.

Dan Green

Dan Green

Dan is an engineering leader with a proven track record of growth and execution. He has built teams that have designed and delivered products and solutions for enterprise and SaaS customers. Dan and his teams at MITRE, EMC, VMware, and Scality have helped their customers excel. While at heart Dan is a technologist; he views solutions with an operational focus and with business lense. Leading teams to be productive, not busy…